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In this work in progress Elisabeth is inspired by the choreographer: Ohad Naharin. He once explained that in creation process starting point, he enters the studio with just a feeling or a drive or the soul of the piece, coming from a certain subject/painting/book/idea. Elisabeth normally starts a creation progress with researched concepts, vague images, clear opinions and strong questions. But now she choose as a starting point only this one profound drive/feeling, to practise her instinct, research her movement language in another form and challenge herself to take risks in an unknown approach. In Para Ti Elisabeth choose one of the most basic drives/feelings and that is: love. Para mim is the second part which will premier together with Para ti at Palcos Instaveis in Teatro Campo Alegre this coming September. She will invite two other artists to join and work with the same physical starting point but another drive and that is: posession.








Ficha Técnica/Artística

Choreography & Dance: Elisabeth Lambeck

Music & photography: Jorge Ferreira

Costume & cenografie: Carline van Oel

Production: Ioli Georgila



Elisabeth Lambeck

Elisabeth Lambeck


Coreógrafa, bailarina e professora Holandesa que vive no Porto. Nos ultimo’s dez anos trabalhou em toda a Europa em várias companhias tais como: Conny Janssen Danst (Holanda), Dancetheatre Nuremberga (Alemanha), Carte Blanche (Noruega) e em vários projectos. Dançou nas novas criações de coreógrafos/artistas tais como: Sharon Eyal, Jorma Elo, Andre Gingras, Stijn Celis, Daniela Kurz, Philipp Bergman, Peter Greenaway, Guido van der Werve e coreógrafos portugueses tais como: Rui Horta, Paulo Ribeiro & Helder Seabra. Após anos de trabalho como bailarina profissional, Elisabeth começou há pouco tempo a criar os seus próprios projectos tais como: Exit 211-A e WOLF e agora Para ti, Para mim.

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